
Media Center Presets

tinyMediaManager has presets for various media centers. By pressing the button for your desired media center, all affected settings will be set to the default for the chosen media center.

Currently we support presets for:

  • Kodi (17+)
  • XBMC/Kodi (<17)
  • Plex
  • Jellyfin
  • Emby
  • MediaPIG v5.0.6
  • MediaPortal 1.x (Moving Pictures and MyVideo)
  • MediaPortal 2.x

Automatic Tasks

  • Automatic rename: you can let tinyMediaManager automatically rename your movies after they have been scraped
  • Automatic sync with if you have enabled access to, you are able to automatically sync your media library and watched state with Is that option is disabled, you have to manually trigger the synchronization process
  • Automatic update on startup: you can let tinyMediaManager update all your movie data sources on startup

Misc. Settings

  • Clear all existing “new” flags on “update data sources” v5.0.1: when activating this option, a new “update data sources” will remove the “new” flag from your movies (default: remove the “new” flag on restart of tinyMediaManager)
  • Extract meta data (via mediainfo) on “update data sources” if no NFO is available: if there is no NFO available you can let mediainfo try to extract embedded metadata from your movie files
  • Extract missing artwork from VSMETA files on “update data sources”: VSMETA files can contain artwork. By activating this option, tinyMediaManager extracts missing artwork directly from the VSMETA files when scanning for new content
  • Build image cache on import: when importing new movies into tinyMediaManager you can create the image cache on the fly (only available when the image cache is enabled in the general settings). Caution: building the image cache will take a while
  • Prefer runtime from media info: when activating this setting, the movie runtime is being taken directly from your movie file rather than the scraper
  • Include external audio streams in NFO: using this setting tinyMediaManager will add external audio streams to the streamdetails section in the NFO files

UI Settings

UI Settings

  • Show the following artwork types in the details view: to choose which kind of artwork should be displayed in the movie detail tab
    • Poster
    • Fanart
    • Banner
    • Thumb
    • Clearlogo
  • Show tooltips in the movie table: enable/disable of tooltips in the movie table
  • Completeness checks: there are several options to fine tune the completeness check (metadata and artwork) in the movie table
    • Always display missing fields in the tooltip: you can show all missing fields in the tooltip in addition to the completeness indicator (which only checks the chosen fields)
  • Preferred rating: tinyMediaManager supports multiple ratings for every movie. The rating order in this setting indicates which rating source should be preferred for being used in the UI.


  • Movie quickfilter: to choose which data of the movie should be used when searching in the filter box (above the movie table). Possible fields to search at the moment:
    • Title
    • Title sortable (the same as the title, but with the prefix at the end)
    • Original title
    • Original title sortable (the same as the original title, but with the prefix at the end)
    • Sorttitle
  • Universal text filter: in addition to the quickfilter (above the movie table), there is an universal text filter in the filter dialog. You can choose which fields will be used for the universal filter
  • Persist UI filters: remember the last active UI filter (this will be loaded on the next start of tinyMediaManager)

Data Sources

Data Sources

This is the core setting of the movie section. Every folder specified in this list will be searched for movie files. Only movies file in and beneath this folder will be found by the update data sources action. Every movie should be in its own folder, but having multiple movies per folder is also supported, but will deactivate some features! tinyMediaManager (and Java) supports accessing local drives and network shares, but is unable to perform mount/logon actions. You have to connect to external drives from your system before starting an update data sources in tinyMediaManager!

To achieve the best possible experience, make sure you have a similar setup (e.g. H:\movies is one data source set in the settings):

    Alice in Wonderland

Exclude Folder(s) from Scan

Every folder in this list will be excluded from a scan. You can also put a file called .tmmignore into every folder you wish to have excluded from the scan. Additionally you can use regular expressions here to exclude folders from the scan.

Bad Words

Words from this list will be removed from file names while parsing for the title. This comes in handy if you some special words like release groups in your file names.

The bad words section also allows the usage of regular expressions!

NFO Settings

  • NFO format: There is support several different NFO formats. Choosing the right format affects how the data is written to the NFO files. You will find all compatible NFO formats here.
  • NFO file naming: You can choose between different file names for the NFO files. If no NFO file name is selected, tinyMediaManager does not write any NFO files.
    • <movie_filename>.nfo
    • movie.nfo (only works within “one movie per folder” scheme)
  • Write NFO files inside disc folders (BDMV, VIDEO_TS): Kodi needs to have NFO file inside disc folders (BDMV, VIDEO_TS), but other tools may need them outside of that folder. You can choose whether to write the NFO files into or outside of disc folders.
  • Write clean NFO: If this option is activated, tinyMediaManager write a clean NFO file without embedding unknown/unsupported data from existing NFO files.
  • Source for <dateadded>: there are several sources where you can retrieve the date added for your movies. This option lets you specify which one will be written into the NFO.
  • NFO language: The language in which localized texts like genre names should be written to the NFO file.
  • Certification format: The format of the data in the <certification> tag.
  • Create outline tag from the plot: tinyMediaManager does not support any outline internally, but some media centers need an outline tag. By activating this setting tinyMediaManager generates an outline tag via the plot.
    • Create outline from the first sentence of the plot: Rather than using the whole plot, this will generate the outline from the first sentence of the plot.
  • Only include the first studio: Some Kodi skins only support one studio in the NFO to display the studio logo. With this setting tinyMediaManager will only include the first studio into the NFO.
  • Add <lockdata>true</lockdata> to the NFO: When writing NFO files with this tag, (at least) Emby is being prevented from modifying tinyMediaManager created NFO files


In this list you can choose your preferred metadata scraper from a list of all available scrapers. At the moment tinyMediaManager offers scrapers for the following meta data sources:


And additionally there are two meta scrapers which offer enhanced data:

  • Universal scraper: with this scraper you can combine results from various other scrapers to create an individual scraping result for your needs
  • Kodi scraper: this meta scraper is able to parse scrapers from Kodi to embed them into tinyMediaManager. This scraper searches for local installed Kodi instances to use the scrapers from Kodi.

You will find a detailed description of those scrapers on the scraper description page.

Scraper Options

Advanced Options

  • Preferred language: Choose the preferred language for scraping (for localized content like title, tagline and plot). Not all scrapers offer localized content, but tinyMediaManager tries to find localized in this language.
  • Certification country: Movie certifications are available for several countries. You can choose for which country tinyMediaManager should try to get the certification.
  • Country for release date: Release dates can vary in different countries. You can choose which country to prefer when scraping release dates.
  • Fetch ratings from other sources too: Instead of fetching the ratings solely from the chosen scraper, also get ratings from all available scraper sources.
  • Fall back to other scrapers: If nothing has been found with your preferred scraper, try to search with other scrapers
  • Capitalize first letter of every word in title and original title: As the option itself tells - when activating this, tinyMediaManager puts the found title/original title to Title Case.

Metadata Scrape Defaults

In this section you can set which types of metadata should be scraped per default. You can always override this in the scrape dialogs in tinyMediaManager.

The command line version of tinyMediaManager completely relies on this setting.

  • Do not overwrite existing data: Force tinyMediaManager to do not overwrite data of your movies (just add missing fields).


  • Automatically scrape images: with this option enabled, tinyMediaManager tries to find the best image files from the artwork scrapers according to your settings in the Images section.

Automatic Scraper

When doing an automatic scrape, tinyMediaManager calculates a score of every found movie. 1.0 means the search term and the search result are 100% the same whereas 0.0 means they are absolutely different. With this setting you can set the threshold starting of which score tinyMediaManager should take the found movie.


Artwork Scraper

In this list you can choose the artwork scrapers from a list of all available scrapers. You can activate multiple scrapers here to get the best possible artwork. At the moment tinyMediaManager offers scrapers for the following artwork sources:

  • FFmpeg

Scraper Options

Advanced Options

  • Poster size: Choose the preferred poster size. tinyMediaManager will try to get the poster in this size.
  • Fanart size: Choose the preferred fanart size. tinyMediaManager will try to get the fanart in this size.

  • Preferred language v5.0: You can set multiple accepted languages for the automatic artwork downloader. tinyMediaManager will try to find the artwork in the order the languages are listed. - (none) stands for artwork w/o any language information (most of the time this artwork does not contain any text)

  • Prefer artwork without text for fanart/background v5.0: Some media centers like Kodi prefer having artwork without any text on it for the background. If you choose this option, tinyMediaManager tries to find fanart/background without any text on it before searching in the desired languages.
  • Also try to find artwork in other resolutions v5.0: If no artwork in the chosen resolution and language has been found, try to search for artwork in other resolutions (from highest resolutions to lowest, in the same language order as chosen above).
  • Fallback: try to get any image v5.0: In the case no artwork could be found using the options from above, try to get any artwork.

Artwork Filenames

Generally speaking artwork filenames either take the movie filename as a base an postfixes it with their type or use some filename independent naming scheme. Here you will find an example how this works:

Option Description Example filename (Aladdin.mkv)
<movie filename>.ext movie filename + extension of the original image file Aladdin.jpg
<movie filename>-poster.ext movie filename + -poster + extension of the original image file Aladdin-poster.jpg
poster.ext poster + extension of the original image file poster.jpg
folder.ext folder + extension of the original image file folder.jpg
movie.ext movie + extension of the original image file movie.jpg

.ext stands for the image format of the artwork file which should be either .png, .jpg or .gif.

The following artwork types and filenames are available:

  • Poster
    • poster.ext
    • movie.ext
    • folder.ext
    • <movie filename>-poster.ext
    • <movie filename>.ext
    • cover.ext
  • Fanart
    • fanart.ext
    • <movie filename>-fanart.ext
    • <movie filename>.fanart.ext
    • backdrop.ext v5.0
    • <movie filename>-fanart.ext v5.0
    • <movie filename>.fanart.ext v5.0
  • Banner
    • banner.ext
    • <movie filename>-banner.ext
  • Clearart
    • clearart.ext
    • <movie filename>-clearart.ext
  • Disc art
    • disc.ext
    • discart.ext
    • <movie filename>-discart.ext
    • <movie filename>-disc.ext
  • Thumb
    • thumb.ext
    • <movie filename>-thumb.ext
    • landscape.ext
    • <movie filename>-landscape.ext
  • Clearlogo
    • clearlogo.ext
    • <movie filename>-clearlogo.ext
    • logo.ext
    • <movie filename>-logo.ext
  • Keyart
    • <movie filename>-keyart.ext
    • keyart.ext

BE AWARE: All movie filename independent artwork options only work for single movie folders! Whenever tinyMediaManager detects that your movie is in a multi movie folder, it will fall back to <movie filename>-<type>.ext (Aladdin-poster.jpg for example).

Extra artwork

  • Enable extrathumbs: This option allows you to store multiple thumbs to the extrathumbs folder inside the movie folder. Only works for movies in dedicated folders.
    • Resize extrathumbs: With this option you are able to scale down the extrathumbs to a given width.
    • Maximum of downloaded images: In addition to choose the extrathumbs by hand (image chooser dialog) you can automatically download extrathumbs. This option let you choose how much extrathumbs will be downloaded per movie.
  • Enable extrafanarts: This option allows you to store multiple fanarts inside the movie folder. There are four different ways to store extrafanart files in the movie folders. Be aware that only the style with with movie name in it will work for multi movie folders!
    • <movie filename>-fanartX.ext
    • <movie filename>.fanartX.ext
    • fanartX.ext
    • extrafanart/fanartX.ext
    • <movie filename>-backdropX.ext v5.0
    • <movie filename>.backdropX.ext v5.0
    • backdropX.ext v5.0

    fanartX.ext, extrafanart/fanartX.ext and backdropX.ext only work in folders with only one movie

    • Maximum of downloaded images: in addition to choose the extrafanarts by hand (image chooser dialog) you can automatically download extrafanarts. This option let you choose how much extrafanarts will be downloaded per movie.
  • Download actor images to .actors: Kodi supports reading of actor images from the (hidden) folder .actors inside the movie folder. If you enable this option, all available actor images will be downloaded to this folder upon scraping the movie.


In this list you can enable all wanted trailer scrapers from a list of all available scrapers. You can activate multiple scrapers here to get the best possible trailers. At the moment tinyMediaManager offers scrapers for the following trailer sources:


Advanced Options

  • Use yt-dlp for trailer downloading v5.0.5: You can choose to use the external tool yt-dlp for downloading your trailers from YT. To use this, you need to download the yt-dlp from their Github repository, create a subfolder called addons in your content folder (the folder where your data is) and put the yt-dlp executable into this folder.

You need to use the correct file name for the executable for being detected: yt-dlp.exe for Windows and yt-dlp for macOS/Linux. Otherwise tinyMediaManager is not able to find the executable.

  • Use preferred trailer settings: Rather than choosing the first available trailer, you can set your preferred trailer source (e.g. Youtube) and trailer quality (e.g. 1080p).
  • Automatic trailer download: Upon scraping, also download the chosen trailer to your movie folder if no local trailer has been found
  • Trailer file naming: You can set the desired trailer filename. If no desired filename is set, no trailer will be downloaded.
    • <movie filename>-trailer.ext
    • movie-trailer.ext
    • trailers/movie-trailer.ext
    • trailer.ext v5.0

movie-trailer.ext only works in folders with only one movie

  • Write TRAILER files inside disc folders (BDMV, VIDEO_TS). Default for Kodi v5.0.2: Instead of writing trailer files into the root folder of the movie, write them into the disc folders. This setting is needed for Kodi.


In this list you can enable all wanted subtitle scrapers from a list of all available scrapers. You can activate multiple scrapers here to get the best possible subtitles. At the moment tinyMediaManager offers scrapers for the following subtitle sources:


Advanced Options

  • Preferred language: The preferred language for subtitle download.
  • Force downloading of best subtitle: If there is no match by the file hash, try to download the best-matching subtitle
  • Subtitle language style: Save subtitle files with the given language style in their filename.
    • Subtitles without language tag: You can name your subtitles without any language tag in the file name, BUT this will only work if there is exactly ONE subtitle file


tinyMediaManager offers a powerful renamer to rename your movies and all associated files to your desired folder-/filenames. While there is almost nothing you can’t do with the renamer, it has still one big restriction: you can only rename the movies inside its own data source. Renaming it to a destination which is not inside the own data source is not supported.

Renamer Pattern

  • Folder name and Filename: Choose the desired folder name and filename for renaming. Here you can enter fixed parts of the name and dynamic ones. You will find a list of all available tokens for building up dynamic names beneath the settings along with examples of your media library. With leaving the folder name/filename empty, the renamer will skip the name generation for the empty part.

You will find more details of the movie renamer in the corresponding docs.

Advanced Options

  • Automatic rename: you can let tinyMediaManager automatically rename your movies after they have been scraped.
  • Replace spaces in folder name and Replace spaces in filename: You can replace all spaces with either underscores, dots or dashes by activation this option.
  • Replace colons with: Since colons are illegal characters in folder names and filenames, tinyMediaManager offers you to choose how they should be replaced.
  • Replace non ASCII characters with their basic ASCII equivalents: Some file systems might need to have ASCII conform file names - by activating this option tinyMediaManager tries to convert non ASCII characters into a similar ASCII character (e.g. Ä - Ae; ß - ss, …)
  • First character number replacement: If you use the renderer ;first (like in ${title;first}) and the first character would be a digit, replace the digit with the given character.
  • Enable movie set tokens also for movie sets containing only one movie: Unless this is activated, the renamer only creates a movie set folder if there is more than one movie in the set.
  • Remove all other NFOs: Remove all non tinyMediaManager NFOs when renaming (clean up)
  • Clean up “unwanted” files on rename: When renaming, you can also force tinyMediaManager to clean up (delete) all unwanted files from the movie folder.
  • Allow renaming movies into existing/other movie folders: DANGER - this allows you to rename movies into existing folders (which may contain other movies). This can mess up your folder structure


Here you can see the renamer results using an example from your library.

Post processing

You can trigger external tools from within tinyMediaManager to do some work, which is not doable in tinyMediaManager itself. In this section you are able to maintain the access to different external tools along with all needed parameters. To access data from your movies which may be passed to the external tools, you can use JMTE syntax.

You will find more details about post processing in the corresponding docs.