tinyMediaManager offers a powerful renamer to rename your movies and all associated files to your desired folder-/filenames. While there is almost nothing you can’t do with the renamer, it has still one big restriction: you can only rename the movies inside its own data source. Renaming it to a destination which is not inside the own data source is not supported.

Renamer Pattern

  • Folder name and Filename: Choose the desired folder name and filename for renaming. Here you can enter fixed parts of the name and dynamic ones. You will find a list of all available tokens for building up dynamic names beneath the settings along with examples of your media library. With leaving the folder name/filename empty, the renamer will skip the name generation for the empty part.

The renamer is built on JMTE and can profit from all options you can have in JMTE. For easier usage, we have added some preset tokens (see table below). Nevertheless you can also access every field from the movie just by using the full syntax like ${movie.title}.

If the preset token already contains a renderer (like ${filesize} -> ${movie.videoFilesize;filesize}), you cannot add another renderer. In this case you need to switch to the full syntax.

Available tokens

Token Description Example
Title One Hundred and One Dalmatians
Original title One Hundred and One Dalmatians
First character of the title O
First letter or # (for non letters) O
First two characters of the title On
Title sorting (e.g. Matrix, The) One Hundred and One Dalmatians
Filename of the movie at the first import 101.dalmatians.avi
Year 1961
Decade long 1960-1969
Decade short 1960s
Release date 1961-04-25
${movieSet.title} Movieset title 101 Dalmatians (Animated) Collection
${movieSet.titleSortable} Movieset title (sort title) 101 Dalmatians (Animated) Collection
Rating 6.7
IMDb Id tt0055254
TMDB Id 1234
Certification G
Name of first director Clyde Geronimi
First genre (localized name if available) Adventure
First genre (English) Adventure
All genres separated by ‘, ‘ Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family
First tag Tag1
Language en
Video resolution (e.g. 1280x720) 1920x1080
Aspect ratio (e.g. 178) 240
2nd aspect ratio (e.g. 178, only for multiformat) 178
Video codec (e.g. H.264) h264
Video format (e.g. 720p) 1080p
Video bit depth (e.g. 8 / 10) 8
Video bitrate (e.g. 10.4 Mbps) 10.4 Mbps
Audio codec of the default/first stream (e.g. AC3) AC3
Array of all audio codecs (e.g. [AC3, MP3]) [AC3, MP3]
List of all audio codecs (e.g. AC3, MP3) AC3, MP3
Audio channels of the default/first stream (e.g. 6ch) 6ch
Array of all audio channels (e.g. [6ch, 2ch]) [6ch, 2ch]
List of all audio channels (e.g. 6ch, 2ch) 6ch, 2ch
Audio language of the default/first steam (e.g. EN) EN
Array of all audio languages (e.g. [EN, DE]) [EN, DE]
List of all audio languages (e.g. EN, DE) EN, DE
Array of all subtitle languages (e.g. [EN, DE]) [en, de]
List of all subtitle  
languages (e.g. EN, DE) en, de  
Media source (DVD etc.) BluRay
3D tag (3D SBS/TAB) 3D
High Dynamic Range (HDR) HDR
High Dynamic Range (HDR) Format HDR 10
Edition Directors Cut
File size in GB 1.05 G
Path between data source and parent folder Disney
Movie note My personal note
Index in the movie set 2
Index in the movie set (respecting missing movies) 3

Some hints for the renamer:

  • If there wouldn’t be a change (old and new file-/folder name are identical), the renamer skips renaming
  • All supported files within the movie folder (NFO, poster, fanart, …) will be renamed as configured in the settings


You can also use some pre-built renderers to modify the result; you cannot use the preset token for the renderers to work - you need to use the full syntax:

  • UPPER case renderer upper: ${movie.title;upper}
  • lower case renderer lower: ${movie.title;lower}
  • Title case renderer title: ${movie.title;title}
  • First character upper case renderer first: ${movie.title;first}
  • Array renderer array: ${movie.genres;array} would render all genres separated by a comma
  • Unique array renderer uniqueArray: ${movie.mediaInfoAudioLanguageList;uniqueArray} would render all unique audio languages separated by a comma
  • Date format renderer date: ${movie.releaseDate;date(yyyy-MM-dd)} would cause the release date to be formatted with a renderer named “date”. This named renderer would then be passed the format “yyyy-MM-dd” along with the variable to be rendered.
  • Number format renderer number: ${movie.ratings.tomatometerallcritics.rating;number(%.0f)} would format the Rotten Tomatoes rating (internally a float) as an integer. You need to know which number type is returned from the field - after that you can use any supported Java String.format token.
  • File name renderer filename: ${movie;filename(escape=true)} would create a valid file name for the movie (according to your renamer settings) - useful for linking between master and detail pages. The parameter escape=true can be used to create an escaped url
  • File size renderer filesize: ${movie.videofilesize;filesize(G)} to format the video filesize to the unit you want (K, KB, KiB, M, MB, MiB, G, GB, GiB are supported. G is the default if you don’t add a unit)
  • Replacement renderer replace: ${movie.title;replace(umlauts.csv)} would load replacement tokens from the file /data/umlauts.csv and to a search and replace of the token for every line in the csv. The csv needs to be comma separated and only the comma itself needs to be quoted with double quotes. More info at the corresponding blog post. If you just want to replace single token, you can also put it inline into the replacement renderer: ${episode.title;replace(x264,h264)}
  • Bitrate renderer bitrate: ${movie.mediaInfoVideoBitrate;bitrate(Mbps)} to format the bitrate to the unit you want (k, kb, kbps, M, Mb, Mbps are supported. Mbps is the default if you don’t add a unit)
  • Framerate renderer framerate: ${movie.mediaInfoFrameRate;framerate} is used to format the framerate in a nice way. You can add the parameter (round) to round the framerate to an integer: ${framerate(round)} or ${movie.mediaInfoFrameRate;framerate(round)}
  • Split renderer split v5.0.8: ${movie.genres;split(1)} would get the second entry (counting from zero) from the genres list. This renderer can also get a range of sub-items - ${movie.genres;split(1,3)} v5.0.10
  • Chaining renderer chain: this renderer can be used to chain the output through multiple renderers. E.g. ${movie.title;chain(replace(umlauts.csv);lower)}

Advanced Options

  • Replace spaces in folder name and Replace spaces in filename: You can replace all spaces with either underscores, dots or dashes by activation this option.
  • Replace colons with: Since colons are illegal characters in folder names and filenames, tinyMediaManager offers you to choose how they should be replaced.
  • Replace non ASCII characters with their basic ASCII equivalents: Some file systems might need to have ASCII conform file names - by activating this option tinyMediaManager tries to convert non ASCII characters into a similar ASCII character (e.g. Ä - Ae; ß - ss, …)
  • First character number replacement: If you use the renderer ;first (like in ${title;first}) and the first character would be a digit, replace the digit with the given character.
  • Enable movie set tokens also for movie sets containing only one movie: Unless this is activated, the renamer only creates a movie set folder if there is more than one movie in the set.
  • Remove all other NFOs: Remove all non tinyMediaManager NFOs when renaming (clean up)