Version v3.1.3
+ clean empty subfolders after renaming movies/TV shows
+ added “remove artwork” for TV show seasons too
+ (Movie) added a new export template: MoviePicker (thx @bastienpruvost) #763
+ (TV show) added filter for aired status #783
+ updated JMTE to 6.0.0 (IF tokens can now compare to another properties)
+ (movie/TV show) added and option to specify which date should be written into the dateadded field in the NFO #796
+ display file creation/modification date in the media files table
x migrate existing movie set TMDB ids to the new form
x do an artwork cleanup when changing the movie set name
x do not count missing episodes several calculations #769
x (TV show) moved name setting for special season to the image setting panel #775
x (TV show) removed duplicate hotkey
x (IMDB) enhanced parsing of release dates #777
x (YouTube) fixed extraction of newer YouTube trailers
x (TV show) fixed filtering for video format
x better scrolling in the renamer settings
x (IMDB) do not lock the UI if there are no episodes on IMDB #785
x cleanup of artwork when removing movie sets #789
x (TV show) fixed display of artwork size for season artwork #793
x ( better test routine to show if the connection works
x remember last used folder when choosing files #791
x (TV show) only offer artwork types in the “Download missing artwork” dialog #795
x preserve file creation/modification date on renaming
x (movie/TV show) try to preserve existing IDs when re-scraping with a different scraper