new command line interface (v4)

2 minute read

The command line interface (CLI) has been rewritten for v4 using the picocli library. The new CLI has some advantages over the old CLI (v3):

  • trigger tmm update from command line is possible now
  • better handling of commands and subcommands/parameters
  • better integration in tinyMediaManager (cleaner code, better maintainability)
  • nicer help

But there is also a little drawback: you can’t combine command from different modules any more (call movie and TV show commands together).

A call to the new command line interface looks like now:

tinyMediaManager movie -u -n -r to find/scrape and rename new movies

tinyMediaManager movie -t -s to download missing trailer/subtitles

tinyMediaManager movie -e -eT=ExcelXml -eP=/user/export/movies to export the movie list with the ExcelXml template to /user/export/movies

tinyMediaManager tvshow -u -n -r to find/scrape and rename new TV shows/episodes

tinyMediaManager tvshow -t -s to download missing trailer/subtitles

tinyMediaManager tvshow -e -eT=TvShowDetailExampleXml -eP=/user/export/tv to export the TV show list with the TvShowDetailExampleXml template to /user/export/tv

See the full documentation about the new command line interface at our docs.




Manuel Laggner

Manuel Laggner

technic freak, linux user and programmer

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