Beta - r348

2 minute read

  • feature: support of custom genres (the dropdown for genres is now editable, import of new genres through NFO will create them)
  • feature: improved support of extrathumbs and initially support of extrafanart (for details see here)
  • feature: added support for a movieset artwork folder (for use with the XBMC Addon “Movie Set Artwork Automator - for more details see here)
  • feature: added trailer column in movielist
  • fix: display of movie name will no longer be weird after renaming the movie
  • fix: improved renaming logic (should work better on windows)
  • fix: improved writing of certifications to the NFO
  • fix: moved statusbar a bit down, so it will be visible on all screens
  • fix: added a “loading image” to visualize wether background tasks are still running
  • fix: added a warning on close of tmm, if a background task is running
  • fix: some minor things I forgot 😉

Once again: thx to Myron for his work!

Manuel Laggner

Manuel Laggner

technic freak, linux user and programmer

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